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Phyllis Nan Sortain De'Peche Cradock

Playing upon Fanny Cradock's obsession with France, its cuisine, and her "half French"-ness (not entirely true) I edited together audio clips of French phrases and words she typically fills her performances with. The audio is placed over a British Pathé archive reel of Paris from the 1960's ( ), and a cliché "romantic" soundtrack by Henri Mancini ( )

- a prolific film soundtrack composer of the era. Fanny's often.. imperfect... pronounciation of mostly food and cooking terms juxtaposes the quintessentially postcard- style footage of Paris in a jarring way. I am not completely happy with this work, and I can't really put my finger on why. The process of isolating and cutting specific lines of speech from over an hours worth of footage was frustrating, and the result, in my opinion, not particularly entertaining. Video does however remain a medium I would like to experiment with further.

(the title "Phyllis Nan Sortain De'Peche Cradock" is based on some of the several different names Fanny Cradock assigned herself, including what she claimed to be the original form of her anglicised surname at birth "Pechey")


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